Our Privacy Policy 1.Algemene voorwaarden cursussen & worshops. 2.Confidentiality agreement on shared designs 3.Terms & Conditions Luxeporselein.nl  web-shop

  1. Our Privacy Policy
    Voor uw Privacy wordt nadat een formulier is ingevuld en verstuurd alle door u ingevulde gegevens volledig gewist en op geen enkele server bewaard. Hiermee handelen en voldoen wij aan de European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  2. Your privacy is important to us – our privacy policy follows these principles: Your Information is confidential and will never be shared with social media or third parties without your specific written consent.

1. Algemene voorwaarden cursussen & worshops


Trainingen, workshops & cursussen


1.Dit reglement is bindend voor alle opdrachtgevers van activiteiten, projecten, cursussen ( cursisten) en workshops van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS en onlosmakelijk verbonden aan alle lopende offertes , cursussen en aanbiedingen.

2.Offertes en aanbiedingen waaronder de vrijetijdscursussen zijn organisatie gebonden en kunnen niet op andere personen worden overgedragen.

3.Alle offertes en aanbiedingen van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS zijn vrijblijvend en hebben een geldigheidsduur van 4 weken, tenzij in de offerte een uiterlijke aanvaardingstermijn wordt genoemd.

4.Indien één of meerdere onderdelen uit een offerte/aanbieding tussentijds niet meer beschikbaar is behoudt STUDIO OLAF STEVENS zich het recht een passend alternatief aan te bieden.

5.Een opdracht is definitief na:

-ontvangst van de door opdrachtgever ondertekende offerte

-ontvangst van een schriftelijke bevestiging ( w.o. het online inschrijfformulier) per e-mail door opdrachtgever

-mondelinge toezegging van opdrachtgever 


6. Betalingen dienen te geschieden binnen 10 dagen na factuurdatum. 

6.1 Reiskosten, materiaalkosten, gereedschappen en stookkosten zijn niet opgenomen in het cursusbedrag. 

6.2 Het cursusbedrag is incl 21% btw

Annulering  7. Er is geen annulering-regeling. Echter, je kunt na de eerste proefles van de ingeschreven periode vrijblijvend opzeggen. In dat geval worden er geen cursuskosten in rekening gebracht of indien reeds betaald teruggestort.

Na aanvang van de cursus en na acceptatie van de eerste proefles ( aangeven op het moment zelf of de daarop volgende dag) wordt er van uitgegaan dat de cursus gevolgd gaat worden en is er geen annulering regeling meer van toepassing.

Opzeggen kan op ieder moment echter zonder teruggave van het cursusgeld.

Gemiste lessen kunnen tijdens de gehele cursusduur op een ander dagdeel worden ingehaald mits er plaats is in de ter beschikking gestelde Online Agenda.

Bij inschrijvingen voor een heel cursusseizoen is het hele cursusseizoen beschikbaar voor inhaal mogelijkheden. Bij inschrijvingen de andere inschrijvingsdata zijn de betreffende weken beschikbaar mits er inhaal mogelijkheid is.

Studio Olaf Stevens behoudt zich het recht voor om zonder nadere motivatie of opgave van reden cursisten de deelname aan de cursus te ontzeggen of deelname tijdens de cursus tussentijds te annuleren.   


10. De opdrachtgever ( w.o. de individuele cursist ) is aansprakelijk voor de aan hem/haar ter beschikking gestelde materialen en instrumenten. Eventuele schade en/of verlies, welke het gevolg zijn van nalatigheid of baldadigheid, worden verhaald op de opdrachtgever.

11.STUDIO OLAF STEVENS aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor verlies, of diefstal van bezittingen van de opdrachtgever, ( w.o. de individuele cursist)  eventuele gevolgschade of productschade inbegrepen ( inbegrepen allergieën en verfschade in kleding tijdens activiteiten zoals beeldende of keramische vormgeving) 


12. Door STUDIO OLAF STEVENS ter beschikking gestelde materialen en instrumenten blijven eigendom van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS. Dit geldt tevens voor project gerelateerd en voor het project ingehuurde outillage en lesmateriaal. Het kopiëren/dupliceren van lesmateriaal is dan ook niet toegestaan zonder de uitdrukkelijke toestemming van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS 


13. Een opdrachtgever dient voorafgaand aan het project/de activiteit kenbaar te maken als er geen toestemming wordt gegeven voor fotografie in opdracht van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS tijdens de uitvoering van workshops of cursussen. De foto’s die eventueel in opdracht van STUDIO OLAF STEVENS tijdens workshops en cursussen worden gemaakt zullen alleen voor onze doeleinden gebruikt worden. Aan deze foto of filmbeelden kunnen geen rechten of vergoedingen worden ontleend. 

Fysieke aspecten: Met name tijdens keramieklessen en de draailessen is door de aard van de gebruikte technieken fysiek kontakt ( handen) tussen docent en de cursist niet uitgesloten.  Tijdens deze instructies zal hiervoor specifiek toestemming aan de deelnemer gevraagd worden.


Between designer and interested party:

referred to below as ‘Interested Party’;


Designer offers a portfolio concept designs referred to below as the ‘Design’;

Containing various Graphic designs in the selected , password sensitive, online portfolio

referred to below as the ‘Design’;

Interested Party has stated that it wishes to acquaint itself with the design in order to discuss or look into the feasibility of production and / or collaboration;

It is in Designer’s interest that the Design remains confidential as yet and the Designer is therefore willing to show the Design only after Interested Party has approved to this Agreement by checkbox acknowledgment;

Hereby agreed as follows:

  1. Designer will show/present the Design and the attachments to this agreement to Interested Party after acknowledgment of this agreement has been done.

2. Unless Designer has given a written permission for disclosure, Interested Party will keep the Designs and all information relating thereto confidential for a period of five years. For the sole purpose of examining and discussing with Designer the feasibility of production and / or collaboration, Interested Party may disclose the Design and the information relating thereto to a selected number of his employees.

3. Interested Party undertakes to take every measure necessary to ensure that his employees keep the Design and all information relating thereto confidential in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article.

4. The duty of confidentiality will also apply to any of the elements of the Design or of the information relating thereto that carry no intellectual property rights.

5. Interested Party undertakes that for a period of five years from the date of acknowledgement of this agreement it will not use the Design or any of the information relating thereto unless an agreement for that purpose has been concluded between him and Designer.

6. Interested Party will inform Designer within 14 days after the design has been shown to him whether he wishes to continue negotiating on possible collaboration and/or commercial exploitation.

7. If Interested Party declines to continue negotiating as referred to in the preceding paragraph, he must ensure that all Designs, models and materials entrusted to him are returned to Designer within 14 days after announcing his decision.

8. If Interested Party has stated that he has no interest in, or if the parties fail to reach agreement on the conditions of, possible collaboration and/or commercial exploitation, he will not take any further action whatsoever in respect of the Design described in the recitals.

9. In the event of breach of his duty of confidentiality and/or breach of his duty to refrain from use, each such breach entirely without prejudice to Designer’s right to demand compensation for the loss he has actually incurred.

10. This agreement is governed by Dutch law. Any disputes between Designer and Interested Party will be submitted to the court having jurisdiction in the district in which Designer has its registered office or the court having jurisdiction by law, at Designer’s option.

Olaf G. Stevens
Studio Olaf Stevens , the Netherlands

3. Terms & Conditions concerning Luxeporselein.nl  web-shop

Welcome to Luxeporselein.nl web-shop.

Luxeporselein.nl web-shop is an initiative of Olaf Stevens, (Studio Olaf Stevens) who has developed a Porcelain Art Project with the brand name HautsCouverts®. When you are shopping with us you are automatically accepting our sales conditions. This is why we advise you to thoroughly read through all of the below mentioned terms and conditions before you start to shop on Luxeporselein.nl.

As stated above HautsCouverts® is an Art Project of Olaf Stevens, (Studio Olaf Stevens). Consider all items, offered thru this medium as art objects, to be hand made in small limited series. Every item, therefor, will not be exactly similar to its copy. It will be a (very close) look alike. Each item will vary slightly from the other which is a specific characteristic to hand crafted porcelain items. As an effect the offered items are singular exclusive and there will be never a great stockpile at hand.

Herewith also an indication of the save to use picts. These are pictogramm’s indicating for which use an item is suitable.

Sending of the items
We send all items as packages, which make it possible to track & trace them in case of problems.
During shipment the package is insured and we kindly ask you to verify the content upon delivery. Should the package or the content be damaged upon arrival please report it to the currier immediately, or no later than two days after receiving it. Then return the item to us.
Luxeporselein.nl web-shop Olaf Stevens, Studio Olaf Stevens is not responsible for items that are damaged during transportation.
As it is in our own interest we always pack everything carefully. We thereby minimising possible damage.

Shipping and handling
In Luxeporselein.nl web-shop we strive on a quick delivery, so all orders are shipped within 1-3 business days, that is, if we have the item in stock. In connection with the sale and holiday season it is expected to be longer delivery time.

Should there be delays with the currier; Luxeporselein.nl web-shop, Olaf Stevens, Studio Olaf Stevens can not be held liable.

Goods to most other EU countries and countries outside the EU will be sent via UPS and delivery may take up to 6-8 business days.

Availability and stock
It is our policy to keep stock of every item. In case an item is out of stock we will try to contact you to discuss what options we have. ( olaf@olafstevens.com). Olaf Stevens will inform you if we can re-produce the item ( we cannot guarantee it but normally reproduction takes approx 6 weeks) or maybe help you find a similar item.

Shipping in The Netherlands
All shipments in Nederland are delivered by TNT Post Nederland. Shipping cost is always included on all orders above € 100,- . Under this amount a fee of € 6,95 will be charged.

Shipping abroad
All shipments abroad are delivered by UPS and sent as an insured package and business mail, which means that the package can not be sent as a gift to non-EU countries in an attempt to evade local taxes and duties.

* Freight rates within NL (under € 55,-) will be € 6,95
* Freight rates within EU estimated between € 35,- en € 150,-
* Freight rates outside EU: estimted between €150,- en € 250,-

Regular service in Europe is app. 5-6 business days.
Regular service outside of Europe is app. 7-8 business days.

*Freight rates are variable due to differences in size and weight.
*You will be contacted by us if this topic is relevant to your order.

Returns & Guarantee
Luxeporselein.nl web-shop gladly accepts returns. The extra service we grand is that you may return a white-ware piece with chip-marks . Your guarantee will be 2 years on chip-marks.
However, we do not guarantee this on coloured decorated items. We consider coloured decorated items to be decorated with graphic patterns in colours platinum and gold. Also, if the defects are due to an accident fall your right to complain is renounced. We can not stand for accidents. We stand for the extreme hardware quality in normal use. You have to return the item no later than 24 month’s from the date of receipt. As soon as we have received the returned item and they have undergone a quality control check we will return the same item ( same item production-number) . And as stated above, be aware that all items we make are hand made and that small variations to the item may occur Please keep your postage receipt as a proof that the package was sent. You are responsible for the return expenses.

Gift returns
If you have received an item from our Luxeporselein.nl web-shop as a gift you do not want, you can return it and exchange for another item of the same value. In case you want a more expensive item you have the option of paying the difference as well as shipment fees. You can also choose to return the gift and receive an online voucher for yourself or for a friend.

Notification of defects
All merchandise is covered by The Dutch Sale of Goods, giving you 1 month to complain about an item with clear production faults. As a customer you can complain about defects and deficiencies that arise within 1 months of the purchase. However, if the defects are due to an accident fall of several items together your right to complain is renounced. In case of a complaint or a missing delivery or any other enquiry please contact Olaf Stevens, telephone +31 (0)654910893 or post an e-mail to: olaf@olafstevens.com web-shop Olaf Stevens, Studio Olaf Stevens does not cover shipping fees in case of a complaint.
Returns must be sent to: HauteCouverts, Studio Olaf Stevens, Eind 40, 4201 CR, Gorinchem, Nederland. Att.: Online Shop

Payment methods
Luxeporselein.nl web-shop accepts the following credit cards: Ideal, Visa Card , Paypal and Euro/ MasterCard. All prices are indicated in EUR sales tax/VAT is included, unless the package is being sent outside the EU. Please see below under the section Customs and sales tax/vat.

Discounts given as a voucher or as Discount codes can not be combined with other discounts or offers and will not apply on already discounted items.

Luxeporselein.nl web-shop is committed to protecting your privacy. All information provided by you is gathered securely through the SSL (SecureSockets Layer). A SSL is a protocol that encrypts your information into codes that your information is kept secure while being transmitted via the Internet. Only PBS (your bank) has access to your information. At Luxeporselein.nl web-shop we guarantee the information you enter will NOT be disclosed to any outside organisation or third party.

Customs and sales tax/vat
If your order is placed from an EU country you will have to pay the Dutch sales tax/VAT but no customs fee. This is according to customs policies regarding sales within the EU. If, however, your order is placed outside the EU you will not have to pay the Dutch sales tax/VAT but you may have to pay additional tax and duties in the country of destination.
Luxeporselein.nl web-shop is not responsible for these or for any fees charged by customs.
The carrier will contact you in case of any extra charges or customs clearance. This might delay the delivery. Please be advised that it is your responsibility to pay for these extra charges.

Consumer protection
HautsCouverts® follow the guidelines prescribed by the Dutch Law. We operate strictly under the current laws, rules, and regulations, sat forth by the Dutch Consumer Department. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website. By using this website you signify your consent to these legal terms and conditions:

1. All trademarks on this website are registered by HautsCouverts® ,Olaf Stevens and Studio Olaf Stevens.
2. All product designs and product names included on this website are protected by copyright and trademark laws. You are not permitted to use any product designs, product names or trademarks represented on this site without the prior written consent of HautsCouverts® , Olaf Stevens and Studio Olaf Stevens.
3. HautsCouverts®, Olaf Stevens and Studio Olaf Stevens reserves all rights. This website and all contents there are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws and other applicable laws. You are not permitted to copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way the contents of this website including all text, images and layout without the prior written consent of HautsCouverts® Studio Olaf Stevens.
4. These Terms and Conditions are subject to the laws of the Netherlands and any dispute related to this website, its services or these Terms and Conditions shall be settled by the Maritime and Commercial Court of the Netherlands.

Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us – our privacy policy follows these principles: Your Information is confidential and will never be shared with social media or third parties without your specific written consent.

All communications thru social media concerning HautsCouverts®, Luxeporselein.nl, Olaf Stevens and Studio Olaf Stevens need to be checked and confirmed by direct email or traditional mail. We are not explicitly responcable for messaging thru social media without a , one to one, written confirmation of the so called messages.

Olaf G. Stevens
Studio Olaf Stevens , the Netherlands

March 2021